No more hush-hush affair. AI (Artificial Intelligence) chooses for you – A Date!
“You got a date for a night!”
How wonderful is that. Well, not for me, married in a traditional set-up for last 5 years. Yeah, exciting for the millennial, who can now find a date through app. Since, their social profiles speak for them, about their lifestyle and daily schedule, and now, will do matching as well.
Meet, flirt, chat, have fun and get involved. It is that quick and simple with the emergence of (Artificial Intelligence) AI-powered apps.
As soon as, we hear about dating app, we look up to most popular names like Tinder, Hily, and Betterhalf.AI etc. These platforms get access to the users’ social accounts like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Foursquare to fetch the information on users’ lifestyle. Further, they match it in their own database and provides with possible matches in lesser time.
We did secondary research on the dating apps and its functionality. Driven by the culture of the country, the algorithms keep on changing. Every place has certain characteristics and it is important to retain it in the business model.
AI-powered dating apps match certain parameters to give out matches in a day – (1) level of sociability, (2) dialogue exchange (3) social likeness (4) events attending or groups  joining (5) how important spirituality is, and (6) how optimistic and happy they are. Additionally, location, height, and religion preferences are also considered while making a match.
On similar platforms, few apps have addressed security breach related issues well by allowing only authentic and verified people to enter and the chat box opens with the condition that both people like each other. With AI, a dating app introduced the concept of Smart Photos’. Images are reordered to showcase the best images on top.
A client of ours briefed us on developing a dating app recently. Our research team explored all the possibilities in AI stream to design a dating app. We took samples of 10 people (Male & Female) and examine their daily schedule. We realized that dating apps had been working on the life written in black and white, or matching is done all on information provided about likes & dislikes but the visual aspect was missing.
We developed a feature where the user can upload a video on their profile page and tested it in the market. The results were amazing. A user uploaded a swimming video to introduce himself. Another user preferred to show his bike as his first love. The real-time videos developed the interest of other users’. And this eliminates the possibility of fake personalities.
We, at G S Bitlabs, are well-equipped and excited to develop such idea into a business. Our teams follow agile methodology to interact with clients, we majorly work on providing mobile app solutions and AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be the core technology to design and develop the solution.
If you are looking to get an app developed, G S Bitlabs is just the right place for you to be at. Get in touch with our App Development experts or send us an email at ,and we will get back to you with everything that we have to offer for App design and Development.

Author – Mr. Gagandeep Singh
Founder & CEO at G S Bitlabs

Gagandeep Singh is the Founder and CEO at G S Bitlabs and having his own start-up he takes care of AI, App development, and delivery management, marketing in the company. In the span of 1 years of establishment, Gagandeep applied his marketing skills in developing company’s product portfolio and has also planned new projects in line with company’s vision to promote innovation and bring the best utilization of technology in every industry. He majorly invests his time in research & development in IT industry to match global standards.


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